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SEO & AI: Latest trends, tools and tactics for 2024

Essential for marketers to deliver SEO results in a world of AI

Oct 7, 2024
3:00 pm
10:00 am
AST (UTC -4)
Atlantic Standard Time (UTC −04)
3:00 pm
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SEO & AI: Latest trends, tools and tactics for 2024
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Carmen de Jager, has over 15 years of global digital marketing experience. Specializing in blending creativity with data, she helps businesses optimize conversions and reach their goals. Based in Canada, her expertise spans across industries, driving success through tailored strategies, focusing on innovative solutions to ignite brand growth.

SEO & AI: Latest trends, tools and tactics for 2024

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Oct 7, 2024
3:00 pm
10:00 am
AST (UTC -4)
Atlantic Standard Time (UTC −04)
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